sreda, 29. februar 2012

Jutri ... Tomorrow ...

... se začne Black & White Nail Challenge! Ko nama je Mateja (organizatorka poleg Dolores) pisala o izzivu, nisva niti razmišljali, ampak se takoj pridružili - Mateje se pač ne zavrne. ;) Ker druga obnavlja svoje nohte, bom objavljala le jaz, končno bom malo razmigala možgane in uporabila domišljijo. Bomo videli, kaj se da storiti z dvema barvama.
... Black & White Nail Challenge starts! When Mateja (who organized it with Dolores) wrote us to join we didn't even think to say no - well, you can't reject another Mateja! ;) One of us is trying to get her nails better, so only I will post the manicures. I'll finally think a bit more and use my imagination. We'll see what I can do with only two colours. 

In kdo sodeluje?
And who is participating?
Purple Glitters
Colorfull bottle
Biba's beauty corner
Nail crazy
Mateji ustvarjata
My nail grafiti
Colores de carol
Emerald sparkle
Wacky Laki
WelcomeTo Brianna's World!
Pink Polish Addict
My Little Vanities
Hooked on polish
Posh nail art
Biberlee - Džumbus
Oje Gemisi Kalkiyor
The Nail Buff

Pokukajte jutri na te bloge, da vidite, kaj bomo ustvarile. 
Come and check these blogs tomorrow to see what we'll create. 

P.S.: Pravila pa najdete tu:
P.S.: The rules can be found here:

4 komentarji:

  1. Curious to see what you'll do! I know I'd have a hard time with that =D


    1. It' fun to try and make black and white interesting :D You'll see day 1 soon ;)

  2. I can't wait to see what you are going to do! :D
    It was a lipstick that I «stole» from my mom! It is really old and I think it doesn't have brand or color number, so I can't tell you :/

    1. You'll see it soon, if my computer stops making fun of me XD
      Still, it's a lovely shade! :D


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