četrtek, 24. maj 2012


Jupi, drugi polfinalni večer Evrovizije se bliža in mislim, da bomo danes slišali kar dosti dobrih pesmi. ;) Ampak jaz komaj čakam, da slišimo peti našo Evo. Boste gledale? Kako vam je bil kaj všeč prvi polfinalni večer in kdo je vaš favorit? :)
Yay, the second Eurovision Song Contest semi final is almost here and I think we'll here quite some good songs. ;) But I can't wait to hear our Eva sing (#9!). What do you think of our song? Will you watch the semi final? Who is your favorite? :) 

2 komentarja:

  1. my favorites today are probably Sweden, Bosnia and Belarus, but I also really want our Filipa, your Eva and Can Bonomo from Turkey to pass!

    dont forget the pact!


    1. Won't forget! :D
      Maybe I'm weird, but I don't like Sweden as much as other people do. :D I like Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia is ok too, your's is great, but I'll see about the others tonight. ;)


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