sobota, 7. marec 2015

Nohti nohti nohti // Nails nails nails

Juhuuu, spet so prispele dobrote z Born Pretty Store
Yaaay, I reaceived a cute package from Born Pretty Store

Čisto prvi so mi padli v oči tile srčki in preizkusila sem jih že v prvih nekaj dneh. Najdete jih TUKAJ (#16760) in so na voljo v različnih barvah, ampak beli so super praktični! Srčki so plastični, ampak dokaj na ozko odrezani, tako da niso moteči - niso pa upogljivi. Brez problema jih lahko uporabljate tudi kot okrasek za telefon ali kaj podobnega. 
The first thing that caught my eye were these little hearts and I tried them as soon as I could. You can find them HERE (#16760) and you get them in different colours, but the white ones are super practical! The hearts are made of plastic, you can't really bend them but they're still comfortable. You can also use them to decorate the phone, by the way.

Tole preprosto manikuro sem nosila za prijateljičin literarni večer. Uporabila sem Barry M roza lak iz omejene izdaje in tri srčke, ki sem jih nanesla na neposušen nadlak. Dodala sem še (debelejšo) plast nadlaka, da so res ostali na mestu in se niso zatikali v oblačila - pa se res niso. Prav tako niso odpadli z nohtov - prej se mi je okrušil lak. :) Presenetilo me je tudi, kako zlahka se jih je dalo odstraniti - z le malo odstranjevalca laka za nohte.
I wore this simple mani to my friend's book publishing event. I used a Barry M limited edition pink nail polish and put three hearts to still wet topcoat. I sealed them with another (thicker) layer of topcoat, to make sure they'll stay in place and won't stick to my clothes - and they didn't. They also didn't fall off my nails - the nail polish shipped sooner. :) And another thing that surprised me - how easy it is to remove them with just a bit of nail polish remover. 

Ob drugi manikuri sem uporabila super luštne rožice, ki so me malce presenetile glede velikosti. :) Najdete jih TU (#17220). Tudi te so na voljo v različnih barvah in mi je kar malo žal, da jih nisem uporabila kot okrasek za telefon!
I used super cute daisies with my second mani and they quite surprised me with their size. :) You can find them HERE (#17220). These are also available in different colours and I regret it a bit that I didn't use them as a phone decoration!

Nanesla sem tudi svoj novi Barry M Vintage Violet. Prekrasna barva!
I also used my new Barry M Vintage Violet. Such a gorgeous colour!

Najprej sem nanesla vzorček s Konad šablone M63 in s pomočjo Barry M Silver Foil laka.
First I applied the pattern from Konad M63 plate with the help from Barry M Silver Foil.

Rožico sem, tako kot srčke, nanesla na še moker lak, ampak je s strani malce "štrlela" stran, tako da sem se lahko z njo tudi zatikala za oblačila. Mislim, da so moji nohti žal malce preveč ukrivljeni za večje okraske za nohte, zato te tudi redkeje uporabljam. Je pa res lepa za spomladanske manikure. :) Pa zagotovo si umislim še kakšno za na telefon! 
I put the daisy on wet topcoat, but it didn't "glue" to my nail on all the sides so it stuck to clothes here and there. I think my nails are just a bit too bent to use bigger decorations, so I use them rarely. But the flower is really gorgeous for spring manicures! :) And I'm sure I'll get a few for my phone!

Tretji izdelek pa je tale krasna folija za nohte z motivom rož, ki me malce spominjajo na 70. Dobite jo TUKAJ (#17231). Ampak še nimam manikure, da bi vam jo pokazala … Ne vem, zakaj, ampak preprosto se ne razumeva - poskusila sem z različnimi laki in z različno suhimi laki, ampak vzorček ne ostane na nohtu, kot bi moral. Se sploh ne odtisne ali pa potegne s sabo lak za nohte. Pa sem že uporabljala folije z Born Pretty Store in so delovale super! Košček sem dala Mateji K. prejšnji teden, da preizkusi še ona, in upam, da bo imela več sreče. Če imate kakšen nasvet, pa, prosim, v komentarje z njim. :) 
The third item I got is this gorgeous nail art foil with flower pattern that kind of reminds me of 70s. You can get it HERE (#17231). But I don't have a mani to show you just yet … I have no idea why, but we just can't get along - I've tried with several nail polishes and at different stages of dryness but the pattern just doesn't stick to my nails as it should. It either does nothing or pulls the nail polish with it. And I've used Born Pretty Store foil before and they worked perfectly! I gave a piece of it to Mateja K. last week to try and I hope she'll have more luck with it! If you have any advice on what to do - please write it in the comments. :)

Morala sem vključiti še te zadevice za telefon, ki sem jih naročila sama! :) Tako luštni podstavki za telefon so. Sploh zjutraj, ko pijem kavo, mi gre na živce, da v eni roki držim telefon in brskam, s temi pa ga lahko postavim na mizo pod ravno pravim kotom, pa še res dobro se pripopajo nanj. :) "WC zamaške" dobite TUKAJ (#3866) in pujske brez glav TU (#15261).
I have to include these thingies for my phone that I ordered myself! :) These phone holders are so cute! It annoys me to hold my phone in my hand and coffee in the other in the morning, but these hold the phone perfectly and they glue to it really well! :) You can get the toilet cleaning thingies (how are these called anyways?!) HERE (#3866) and headless piglets HERE (#15261).

Če boste karkoli naročile, ne pozabite uporabiti najine promo kode MDX31 za 10 % popusta! ;) Kaj iz objave vam je najbolj všeč?
If you'll order anything, don't forget to use our code MDX31 to get it 10 % off! ;) Which thing from the post do you like the most? :) 

3 komentarji:

  1. ohhhh nice colors and designs!!! «3


  2. Ooooooooo, kok dobra ideja teli podložki za telefon, prvič vidim :D
    super objavica! najbolj so mi všeč tiste nalepkice marjetic!

  3. Keri nori podstavki hahaha, teli zamaški za wc so svetovni :D Super! Pa tut srčki so mi všeč :)


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